Look Out for What’s Next!

Take a sneak-peak at what I’m working on now!

 Barley’s Biscuit titles yet to be published:

  • Wenlock Edge: The Ghost Whispers. (COMING VERY SOON!!!)

    Barley’s ghostly dream is realised in this thriller, as the escapades of him and Basil on Wenlock Edge help to trap a scandalous thief attempting to steal a precious and scarce treasure for his own gains.

  • Cardingmill Valley and the Long Mynd: Clipperty-Clop’s Catastrophe.

    Home to wild horses, this wilderness endeavour finds Barley and Basil working closely as a team to rescue a stallion caught up in a horrendous, flesh tearing animal trap. Time is against them.

  • Blists Hill Victorian Town and Museum: Woe, Woe, Woe the Boat.

    Two young children, out on a day of joy and pleasure in this fabulous, time reversed part of the world, unwittingly ride on an old fashioned fairground attraction with a potentially fatal fault. The two dogs swing into action!

  • Ironbridge Lloyds Coppice: Orange Dragons.

    In an area of Special Scientific Interest, Barley and Basil fix a problem started by a mischievous boy out on a school trip. The dogs need to be cunning to avert a problem to a local endangered species.

  • Coalbrookdale Enginuity Museum: A Wonky Trolley.

    A class of children out on a school Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics activity at this hands-on museum design and make push along trolley’s. Unfortunately, one of the trolley’s wheels is not secure. The dogs need to show plenty of ingenuity to avoid a crash and…

  • Coalbrookdale Loamhole Dingle: Daddy’s Long Legs.

    Barley and Basil team up with two dog friends in this wondrously beautiful setting to debar a natural event from crushing and destroying the habitat of a swarm of imperiled creatures and their nest.

  • Ironbridge Power Station: Four Big Bangs.

    The demolition of the Power Station’s four cooling towers in Ironbridge creates a perilous situation for a deer foal trapped within the explosion zone. From across the river, the two dogs need to find a way to get to the foal to rescue it.

  • Bridgnorth High-Town: Full Steam Ahead.

    Mick is excited to take a ride on The Severn Valley Steam Railway, but as the locomotive is being turned, a senior citizen asleep in his wheelchair rolls onto the track. Barley has to think quickly and form a plan to rescue him.

  • Bridgnorth Low-Town: Up the Slippery Slope.

    This breath-taking setting encapsulates the river and sandstone cave views of Bridgnorth Low-Town from the Funicular Rail ride linking it to High-Town. Cable greasing routine maintenance goes spectacularly wrong threatening the lives of all aboard; the dogs slip into gear.

Mr B’s Busy-Bea Series:

Queen Cloud Bee!

An old enemy invades the peaceful existence of a colony of bees living in the clouds for their stocks of honey. Busy-Bea and Elin Heath, a new student to Mr B’s school need some magical help to defeat the enemy!

Buzzz Off!

A challenging adventure for Busy-Bea and Hallie, her helper in this story, to resolve against a former friend who has been led to the dark side of the bee world!

Lastic Bee Bandzzz!

The music that enhances honey production in the bee world is threatened by a colony of tone deaf strange creatures set out to rid the world of it! Busy-Bea and Humira, the lucky student to win her for the weekend, endure some strange noises and need some harmonious help to fight the loss!

The Bee Bee Sea!

Florence, Georgia-Rose and Mo, join with Busy-Bea to rid the world of nastiness inherent in a colony of parasites determined to destroy the bee world! The story entwines with plastic pollution in the seas and Busy-Bea uses the opportunity to tackle both threats. Her three helpers are invaluable.